Our Story

Introducing Nursify Inc.: Empowering Nurses with Joyful Products

In my 21-year journey as a dedicated Registered Nurse, I experienced the profound impact that nursing had on my life. However, alongside my nursing career, I always had a burning entrepreneurial spirit. Running my own business provided a similar sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Everything changed in 2016 when I faced the life-altering diagnosis of breast cancer. It was a challenging and transformative period that allowed me time for reflection and introspection. Amidst the uncertainty of whether I was stage 4 or not, I pondered my unfulfilled aspirations.

One of those aspirations was to create a business that incorporated my nursing background. Another was to always trust my instincts and follow my intuition (even when I had ignored it in the past). Lastly, I realized the importance of embracing my own unique path, regardless of how unconventional it may seem to others. When faced with the possibility of death, trivial concerns faded away.

And so, here I am today, having triumphed over stage three breast cancer through the unwavering support of medical treatments such as chemotherapy, a double mastectomy, and radiation. This journey has led me to listen to the signs around me, to go with the flow, and to find immense joy in doing so.

The idea struck me—why not create buttons that radiate positivity and resilience? This thought thrilled me, and without hesitation, I invested in the necessary equipment. Additionally, I recognized the need for nurses to express their individuality and embrace their inner charm. Thus, I began crafting unique and stylish badge reels while continuously seeking out additional products to complement our range.

At Nursify Inc., my primary aim is to infuse joy into the lives of nurses so that they can effortlessly share it with others. Every product we offer has been curated with this mission in mind. I want our products to serve as a reminder that nursing is not only about dedication and hard work but also about finding moments of happiness along the way.

Your support means the world to me, and with each purchase, my excitement soars. I am truly grateful for your trust in Nursify Inc. and for joining me on this journey.

Now, I have a humble request for you—please consider leaving a review if you receive one of our products and find joy in it. Your feedback will not only bring a smile to my face but will also help others make informed decisions.

I'm embarking on this new chapter with an open heart, eager to create a positive impact within the nursing community. Thank you for being a part of Nursify Inc. Together, let's celebrate the joy of nursing and spread happiness far and wide.

Warm regards,

Founder, Nursify Inc.