Our Story

Two years ago, my journey as an entrepreneur took a new and meaningful turn on Etsy, and more recently, on Shopify. For two decades, I had dedicated my life to nursing, finding in it a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. Yet, alongside my nursing career, I had always nurtured the flame of entrepreneurship, a pursuit that ignited the same passion within me as nursing did.
In 2016, a life-altering moment shook the very core of my existence. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a paradoxical experience - simultaneously the worst and best thing that ever happened to me. As I anxiously awaited news about whether the cancer had reached stage four, I found myself with a rare opportunity to reflect on life and confront some regrets that had lingered in the background.

One regret was the dream of creating a business that incorporated my nursing background. Another was the realization that I had often ignored my intuition and gut feelings. The third was the desire to embrace my own desires, even if they seemed unconventional to others. Faced with the possibility of mortality, those societal expectations and judgments ceased to matter.
The path that unfolded before me was a challenging one. Stage three breast cancer led me through the grueling trials of chemotherapy, a double mastectomy, and radiation. Yet, amidst the turmoil, I found solace in following the signs and surrendering to the current of life. It was an experience that, strangely, I came to cherish.
In the midst of my journey, a thought sparked within me: I should create buttons. The excitement that surged within me spurred me into action, and I acquired the necessary equipment. But it didn't stop there. I knew that nurses deserved a dash of charm and style in their attire, so I began crafting badge reels and scouting for more products to introduce.
I was no longer following conventional wisdom or industry standards; I was simply doing what felt right. My creations were a manifestation of my inner joy and passion. I hoped that these products would not only resonate with nurses but also bring a sense of joy into their lives, allowing them to share that joy with others.

My ultimate goal was clear: I wanted nurses to experience joy, knowing that it would empower them to radiate that joy to their patients and colleagues. I hoped that my products would serve as a reminder that, even in the demanding world of healthcare, there is room for happiness and self-expression.
So here I am, crafting unique items that reflect my journey, my passion for nursing, and my commitment to spreading joy. My business is not just a business; it's a reflection of my life's journey, a tribute to the lessons learned in the face of adversity, and a source of happiness for both myself and the incredible nurses who make the world a better place every day.